Tutorial: Business Planning 1A – Idea and Customer Value (english)
With our online tutorials, we systematically prepare you for the creation of a professional business plan or read deck. The tutorials are adapted to the respective phases of the Bavarian Business Plan Competitions. In phase 1, we offer three tutorials (1A to 1C) as well as an express (1 h) & an compact (2 h) edition.
Please use << H E R E >> to get in touch with the tutorial to.
Our focus: Business Planning and presentation of company, product and service
The tutorial offers a general overview of business planning and tips on how to proceed in a one-hour format. This includes basics such as the structure of a business plan, possible formats and tips on the right language and tone to reach your target groups. Learn how to write an executive summary and present your solution in an appealing way. We will focus on the description of your technological basis and the quantification of significant, relevant customer benefits.
The tutorial content in detail:
- Structure and formats of a business plan
- Criteria of the executive summary
- relevant factors in the presentation of products, services & solutions, customer benefits & USPs
Tobias Bladowski
Head of Business Plan Cokmpetition Northern Bavaria
+ + + Note + + +
The tutorial will not be recorded.
All information about this and other workshops offered by BayStartUP con be fount on our << H E R E >>.